The Happy Ending

About: "i love you", she said, just to retract her statement after an hour or two.
This poem correlates with "Fragility". And being the writer, and her being her,
I decided to finally put an end to it. This poem is more passive-agressive than
it is sad. PSA: Don't play with someone's feelings.

thats it
it came to an end
was this what i was waiting for?
the "happy ending" that i assumed?
built with bricks of lies
and mortar of counterfeit?

revelations and revolutions,
it took my heart
to fix itself
and on the slightest pinch on it
it crumbled, just like it was before
fragile, helpless... heartless.

i never wanted to hurt anyone
not even myself, for that part
its just my mistakes,
which pushed me towards the edge
but instead of me, made someone else fall
and they fell, still with my heart in their hands

beating, bleeding
trying its best to survive
to serve itself
but what is a heart without love
and what is love
without a heart.

the poems, never written
the things, never shared
the feelings, never mutual
and the rest?

17th May, 2024