
About: Chaos is a poem that was inspired by the Chaos theory.
Written at a time where everything seemed like a mess in my life.

an application of entropy
is often misinterpret

people think of chaos as a mess
a state of confusion,
but what they forget is that
even randomness,
can create intricate patterns

patterns, which aren't
usually seen initially
but as chaos continues to occur
it makes the patterns
yet people ignore it

much like this chaos is our lives
things may seem to happen at random
things, we didnt predict that would come
maybe picking the same book as a stranger
or even bumping into a person

as much as it might seem
that it is irrelevant to life
it is those little things that happen
that, in the bigger picture
make life, much more than just existence

chaos makes life beautiful
and, dare i say
chaos, is in itself, beautiful.

30th July, 2024